Merchant & Royal Navy Medals


 World War One ROYAL NAVY  MEDALS  page 1


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Signaler J6781  Born 1893 Willesden, London

 Henry enlisted on 26th November 1911, having previously worked as a Seaman.

At the start of World War One Harry is on the Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary ship Netherby Hall

In 1927 Harry becomes a Yeoman of Signals

The trio comes with  copy service papers


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Engine Room Artesian  271992

During WW1 Harold served on HMS Leviathan and later went to North Russia 

1939 census has Harold in Portsmouth as a Armament fitter 

Medals come with copy service papers and details of navel expedition to North Russia with printed pictures of  HMS  Leviathan Engine room Artesian football team 1916. 

at £175.00

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Albert Edward Coombe

Born Plymouth, Devon 1891

Enlisted April 1907 age 15

 Albert served in the Torpedo Department. Becoming  a Leading Torpedo Operator January 1912, Torpedo Gunners Mate May 1916.

Promoted to officers Rank  of GUNNER in 1917.

Served on H.M.S. Diane for Africa General Service Medal. During W.W.1 served on Submarine A12 Between February and August 1915. Details seen on image carousel

A 12 served in the Ninth Submarine Flotilla, tender to H.M.S. Pactolus part of the Clyde Local Defence Flotilla, from the Test Mobilisation until she transferred to the Fourth Submarine Flotilla around October, 1915. She operated with that formation in Home and Atlantic waters until around April 1916.

Medals come with copy service papers.

At £345.00

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Born Ramsgate in 1891. 

Enlisted Royal Navy 1910  Promoted Petty Officer, Stoker

Henry served on H.M.S. Inflexible at the battle of Falkland Island, Dardanelles, and Jutland 

 Africa General Service Medal with bar for Somaliland 1920 was for service on H.M.S. Ark Royal

Original service record and details for service in Somaliland and Battle of Falkland and Jutland

At £600.00

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Born  Manchester 1899

Enlisted in Royal Navy during 1917 continues service through out Second World War 

Copy Service papers till 1941

On board H.M.S. Fiji when torpedoed in 1940 by U32 Fiji did not sink.

Medals are very polished due to his long service.

For sale at £110.00

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Officers Cook on L3832

Born Plymouth, Devon 16th January 1894 

Enlisted on 1st August 1912 and served through the First World War

Serving on H.M.S. Myosotis when it was torpedoed by U-boat UC71 on 9th September 1917, Myosotis  did not sink through 3 seamen were killed by the explosion.

Serving on H.M.S. Cassandra when this ship hit a mine and sank off Estonia in 1918.

For sale at £85.00

Bank Transfer details for Walter Burnell

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Stoker Petty Officer 310747

Born  Orfordness Suffolk 4th April 1888

During WW1 served on HMS Legion at Battle of the Texel in October 1914 and took part in the destruction of 4 German Destroyers. HMS Legion hit a mine in November 1916 and George was transferred to HMS Starfish

On 4 October 1918, Starfish, along with the destroyers Montrose, Sceptre, and Sylph, sank the German armed vessels Bremerhaven and Ober Burgermeister Adickes. Starfish remained part of the 10th Destroyer Flotilla at the end of the war. 

Medals come with copy service papers and description of the Battle of Texel

For sale at £170.00

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Born 31st August 1890 at Dudley

Deck Hand 15652 Royal Navy Reserve

A pre-war merchant seaman, whilst serving on HMT Franconia was sunk by a German U Boat in 1916. He then enlisted into the Royal Navy and was transferred to the R.N.R. Joseph continued as a Steward until his death at sea from Malaria in 1939.

For sale at £50.00

If you would like to pay by bank transfer, email me at

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Born 20th March 1887 in Liverpool

226061 Chief Yeoman of Signals.

Enlisted as a boy seaman April 1903 . Pensioned in 1927 . Re-enlisted  at start of WW2 until May 1945.

During WW1 served mainly on HMS Dartmouth.

On 28 December 1915, an Austrian force of cruisers and destroyers raided the port of Durazzo in Albania, and Dartmouth, together with the Italian cruiser Quarto and several French destroyers, set off to intercept the returning Austrian force.  In the resulting Battle off Durazzo, Dartmouth scored several hits on the Austrian cruiser SMS Helgoland.

On 14/15 May 1917, Dartmouth took part in the Battle of the Otranto Straits. A force of three Austro-Hungarian cruisers (Helgoland, Novara and Saida carried out an attack on the drifters of the Otranto Barrage, while two destroyers Csepel and Warasdiner carried out a diversionary attack against merchant shipping off Albania. The two destroyers attacked an Italian convoy at about 03:30 sinking the Italian destroyer Borea and the freighter Carrocio, with the main cruiser attack on the drifter line starting at about 04:20 CET, with 14 of the lightly armed drifters sunk and four more damaged. Dartmouth, with the Italian Admiral Alfredo Acton, the overall commander of the Allied naval response aboard, left Brindisi at 05:36 CET in company with the Italian destroyers Simone Schiaffino and Giovanni Acerbi, and was joined in the pursuit of the Austro-Hungarian cruisers by the Italian scout Aquila and the British cruiser Bristol. Dartmouth was hit several times by shellfire from Austro-Hungarian cruisers which she was pursuing, and had to heave to. Returning to port she was hit by a torpedo from the German submarine UC-25 and began sinking. The order to abandon ship was given but a small team volunteered to remain on board while the Dartmouth was towed to port.

Medals mounted on a medal bar then with the pictures are mounted on a board.    For sale at £180.00

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