Merchant & Royal Navy Medals

World War Two Merchant Navy  Page


Post in the U.K. is included in the price of the medal

An original C.R.S.102 Campaign Stars form 

To Norman George Casey

Served in Merchant Navy through WW2

Born 1920 and in 1939 a Engineers Storekeeper 

Comes with original medal form and copy of his C.R.S.10  service records and medal roll 

Casey served on the ship Ajax for supplying the North African Invasion in 1942.


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Medals and box to WILLIAM MANN FINLAY        

The box is addressed to Mr W M Finlay, 20 Ferrier St, Leith, Edinburgh.

The box also has the medal roll number 119675, this can be seen on the right of the medal roll. These can be seen in the image carousel.

 William was at Dunkirk 19th May 1940 when his ship was attacked by German aircraft, killing two members of the crew. William also served at sea untill he was 69 years old.

Williams son was lied at sea in 1940 age 17 years

The medals come with a cd with copy crew list of ships served during WW2 and copy papers of Williams service for C.O.M.N.O (Combined Operations Merchant Navy Office) for service during the invasion of Europe, 1944 and CR1 & CR2 cards 


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Medals and box to NOEL GILLMAN        

The box addressed to N Gillman, has the medal roll number 105854, this can be seen on the right of the medal roll.

 Noel was born in 1926 at Burry Port, South Wales.

Copy BT372/ Seamans Pouches, papers from National Archives 

Gives a picture of Noel, he joined the Piolt Service during 1943 aged 17.


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Medals and box to CYRIL ARTHUR BEACHAM     

A Master Mariner

Discharge number R12235

Born in Winchester in 1905

         Medals come with postal box addresed to Cyril,                                                    copy CR10 papers starting in 1941 this lits all the ships Cyril served on untill 1956.    A C.D. with some details of crew lists and other papers.


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A Boatswain

Discharge number 749878 

Born in 7th May 1896 Southampton 

Medals come with postal box addressed to Thomas                                                   copy Medal roll, CR10 papers starting in 1941, this list all the ships Cyril served on until 1961. I will send an electric copy of any papers I have for Thomas.

1st Voyage taken on 22nd September 1913 and was awarded Mercantile Marine medal but this is not with these medals.


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Born in Hull 17th November 1896

1st Mate

Discharge number 858306 

Frank was on board the steamship Samoset when torpedoed and sunk by U33 20th March 1918. During World War Two he was serving on the steamship Ger-Y-Bryn when sunk by torpedo 5th March 1943 North West of Lisbon by U-130, commanded by Siegfried Keller while part of Convoy XK-2. All 47 members of the crew were rescued by the Royal Navy. U-130 was Sunk 7 days later on 12 March 1943 in the North Atlantic west of the Azores, in position 37.10N, 40.21W, by depth charges from the US destroyer USS Champlin. 53 dead (all hands lost). 

Frank went on to served until the 1950s

Their is a lot of copy paper work with these medals, with copy ships crew list and BT382 records from National Archives.


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Born in Liverpool 14th May 1909

2nd Officer and Ships Master

Discharge number R1119

Medals come with copy records of ships Harold served on up to 1972. World War Two service is recorded and the ship he was on when it ran aground and was a total loss.


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Born in London on 2nd September 1903

2nd Officer and Ships Master

Discharge number 1013919 

Medals come with copy records of ships Jerome served on up to 1956, medal roll eta. World War Two service was spent working on petrol tankers for Anglo Saxon Petroleum company. 


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