Merchant & Royal Navy Medals

World War One Merchant Navy  Page

MEDALS to the World War One Merchant Navy Page 2


Post in the U.K. is included in the price of the medal

Walter David Hartican


BORN Bournemouth 14th October 1882

A Linin Steward Discharge 168538 

Walter was on the Dunbar Castle when this boat was sunk by hitting a mine in 1940

Medals come with details of ships he served on since 1909 but not all from WW1, copy marriage certificate, Walter married Rosina Hocking in 1913, she died in 1916, he then married her sister, along with other papers covering his life, these will be sent electronically on purchase of medals.

At £80.00

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Born 24th June 1882, in Hull

Discharge number 727672

Worked From a Mate to Boatswain 

         Medals come in original medal envelopes in original boxes in original Board of

Trade postal envelope. Copy Merchant navy identity cards,

medal card, various copy ships logs. with Peters named on them,

and a newspaper page with his death reported,

               he died of a cracked scull after falling down the outside of his home whiles painting.

                    At £90.00

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Born 30th November 1877, Rawhedge, Essex 

Discharge number 781204 

Mate in the East Coast coasting trade

Still working as a mariner in September 1939

                    At £85.00

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Born 1884 Liverpool

Discharge number 477563


A merchant seaman from WW1, medals come with copy papers covering Thomas sea service. During WW2 he was on ships in the invasion of North Africa, and Normandy in 1944.

He was on the SS Fort McPherson when attack by German aircraft on 11 June 1944 in the English Channel. 

                    At £155.00

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Born 1884 Liverpool


A merchant seaman from WW1, medals come with some copy papers covering George sea service.

                    At £95.00

                 These medals have been stapled to a board as seen in picture

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Christopher Thomas Sheriff


BORN 5th March 1880 South Shields

Chief Steward

Died in 1935

A merchant seaman from WW1, medals come with some copy papers covering Christopher sea service.

                    At £78.00

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Alexander Sproul


BORN 13th November 1884 in Glasgow

Fireman, Trimmer

A merchant seaman from WW1, medal come with some copy papers covering Alexanders sea service. He enlisted into the Royal Navy Reserve in World War, not seen as a good sailor, as he Deserted 16th December 1915 to 20th January 1916, receiving 60 days punishment and discharged the service. Alexander was still at sea at the start of WW2.

                    At £62.00

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BORN 19th January 1894 in Cardiff.


Victor was a third mate on the SS Burrsfield, a London registered cargo steamer towing barge X-130 with a cargo of general stores from Barry via Malta destined for the Dardanelles beachhead when it was overhauled by U.33 70m West of Cape Mattapan having open gunfire on the cargo ship during the chase killing four crew, the Master, 4th Engineer, fireman and 14 year old mess room steward Evan David Evans.

During World War Two Victor was master of the Steamship Maycrest in 1940, whilst in convoy OB.252 2 ships in this convoy are sunk by U-boats. Feb 8, 1941 convoy SC.22 (Halifax - Liverpool) one ship sunk and one attacked and bombed by aircraft. Victor was taken ill whilst at sea on this voyage, although taken to hospital at the earliest possable time but died 28th February 1941 of a Perforated Ulcer

 With copy papers covering Victors sea service. Copy medal roll, captain and mates certificates, some crew lists, list of ships he served on between the wars, eta.

                    At £130.00

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691041 and 979804

BORN 6th November 1895 Southampton

Fireman and greaser

The medals are stamped to Thomas G Billows. The only medal card to this name is Thomas, born in 1895 in Southampton. The 1915 crew list has Thomas serving on the steamship ARAGON 

In March 1917 Thomas marries Keziah Higginson in Southampton. On the 1911 census there are only 1738 Keziah’s listed. I have a copy T124X record for Thomas noting his wife as Kazia and he had served on the Glenart Castle, this was a Hospital ship that hit a mine on 1st March 1917. Thomas time spent under Royal Navy control was very short as he deserted and moved  to London and re enrolled into the Merchant Navy obtaining his second number. His father would be sent the single medal due for his service in the navy, this medal is missing. Thomas served in the Merchant navy until about 1930 then went back to sea during World War Two. In 1943 whist on the ship Fort Jemseg in a convoy to America he was torpedoed. Thomas would continue to serve at sea until 1967.

Medals come with copy records of, T124X form, Police Gazette page 1917, MMR roll medal page, BT382 records for sea service 1941 to 1967. To be sent electronically copy's of crew list and associated papers for Thomas.  

                    At £130.00

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BORN Nairn, 11th March 1892 


Leslie appears on the1915 crew list as a Telegraphist on the ship, ANGLO-PATAGONIAN. He would be serving on the steamship Breconshire when this ship was captured by the German raider Moewe in 1917 and taken as a Prisoner of War  to Germany. In 1922 Leslie studied to become a Doctor and would take up residence in Singapore and was still listed as a Doctor their in 1942.

Medals come electronically, with details of prisoner list, ship crew and passenger list eta.

                    At £110.00

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